New Publisher: Multidisciplinary Institute on Ecosystems and Sustainable Development

Introducing the Multidisciplinary Institute on Ecosystems and Sustainable Development, an institute dedicated to research in biodiversity and the environment.

New Publisher: Multidisciplinary Institute on Ecosystems and Sustainable Development

We are pleased to introduce our new collaborator in the field of biodiversity and environmental research, the Multidisciplinary Institute on Ecosystems and Sustainable Development. It is a research center affiliated with the National University of the Center of the Province of Buenos Aires.

About the Multidisciplinary Institute on Ecosystems and Sustainable Development

The Institute is a research center made up of teachers/researchers from the Faculties of Exact Sciences, Veterinary Sciences and Engineering who have expressed their decision to carry out their tasks in a joint and coordinated manner. This configuration is totally new for the National University of the Center, even though it responds to the transversality policy proposed several years ago for better use of human resources and equipment.

Committed to advancing knowledge and understanding in these areas, the institute is a focal point for research activities that foster a harmonious relationship between human societies and the environment. By integrating diverse perspectives and knowledge, the institute aims to make significant contributions to the sustainable development of the region and beyond.

Mission and vision

The institute’s mission is to address environmental issues, emphasizing ecosystem conservation, sustainable resource utilization, and community well-being through an interdisciplinary approach inspired by the concept of “One World, One Health.”

The vision of the Institute is to be a reference in environmental issues in the region, establishing itself as a space that integrates multiple knowledge and capacities applicable to issues related to the environment and promoting an overcoming concept of human development.

General objectives

  • Conservation of the environment, meaning its preservation, production and/or sustainable use, restoration and/or improvement.
  • The resolution of environmental problems, emphasizing the functioning and values ​​of ecosystems as well as the impact of human activities on them.
  • The promotion of the health of living beings, particularly in relation to the modification of the environment.

Collaboration Opportunities

We look forward to a fruitful collaboration with the Multidisciplinary Institute on Ecosystems and Sustainable Development, fostering collaboration and sharing valuable knowledge to advance our collective understanding of biodiversity and environmental science. Together, we aim to address pressing challenges and promote the conservation and sustainable use of our natural resources.