Ozotoceros bezoarticus Linneo, 1758 observado en Argentina por Luciano Massa CC-BY-NC via ArgentiNat

The Biodiversity Data Portal of Argentina

Argentina Biodiversity Data, from Museums to Citizen Science

This portal hosts various contents on biodiversity

This portal aggregates open biodiversity data from Argentina, whether data from Argentine or foreign institutions. You will find images, georeferences and bibliography associated with the records.


Data published from Argentina and data hosted in foreign institutions about Argentina


Data from natural science collections, biodiversity reports, ecological studies, even data generated by citizen science initiatives.


In addition to the data, information is hosted on scientific publications that have reused and cited the data. The full citations for each publication are displayed, sorted by date.


Creative Commons Licenses

All data sets are licensed under a Creative Commons license (CC0, CC-BY or CC-BY-NC) selected by the publisher.


Both the data that are consulted and the data sets are assigned a Digital Object Identifier (DOI). The citation guide details how to cite data, data sets, and custom queries.


The data present in this portal are hosted on the portal of the Global Biodiversity Information Facility, of which Argentina has been a member since 2002. A large number of the main institutions dedicated to science and conservation in Argentina publish their data, facilitating the open access to them. To learn more, explore the activity report

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