New Publisher: Total Energies

We present Total Energies

Total Energies, a private company, is going to share data about Argentina

New Publisher: Total Energies

We are pleased to introduce our new collaborator Total Energies. It is a French company that produces and markets energy on a global scale: oil and biofuels, natural gas and green gases, renewable energy and electricity.

See the data sets published in GBIF

Primary biodiversity data that Total Energies will make open access

Through the GBIF French Node, Total Energies becomes a GBIF publisher from 2019.

Total Energies shares primary biodiversity data that has been generated during its work in different countries, whether from collected material, observations made by people or captured by camera traps.

Georeferenced data shared by Total Energies (© OpenStreetMap contributors, © OpenMapTiles, GBIF)

Data about Argentina

At the moment, Total Energies shares two sets of biodiversity data collected in Argentine territory, although we hope to add new records soon.

Collaboration Opportunities

We look forward to a fruitful collaboration with Total Energies, fostering collaboration and sharing valuable knowledge to advance our collective understanding of biodiversity and environmental science. Together, we aim to address pressing challenges and promote the conservation and sustainable use of our natural resources.